Technical Features




The Metalphoto® process is the fastest and easiest way to make durable metal panels, nameplates and labels.
Metalphoto parts will look as good as new for a lifetime. That’s because information is sealed into the anodized layer of the aluminium.
In addition, imbedded black graphics are metallic silver particles that resist heat and sunlight.

Over time, your product may be subjected to any or all of the following conditions : sunlight, heat, cleaning, handling, abrasion, grime, solvents, fuels, paint, impact, graffiti, salt spray, blowing sand, chemicals, moisture, cold.If you want your parts to last, make the right choice… Metalphoto.

Chemicals can corrode other materials, rendering them unreadable.

Most chemicals roll off Metalphoto parts with no effect.
Metalphoto is your right choice.

Sunlight and heat can fade graphics on other materials to the point of illegibility.
Metalphoto parts won’t fade… even super-fine graphics withstand heat and ultraviolet extremes.
Metalphoto is your right choice.

Delaminated, peeled or battered parts can’t be clearly read on other materials.

Metalphoto parts can’t peel or delaminate because the image is embedded within a sapphire-hard anodized layer.
Metalphoto is your right choice.

Abrasion can make labels printed on other materials unreadable and unattractive.
Metalphoto parts remain readable even in abrasive environments.
Metalphoto is your right choice. 

Durable: Image is permanently embedded in the anodic layer and protected by a sapphire-hard surface making it impervious to acids, fungus, moisture (35 year resistance to corrosion), weathering, temperature extremes (resistance to 400°C) and UV light (20 year resistance to outdoor exposure).
As a result, industry groups recognize Metalphoto as the most durable aluminium parts available.

Fast: Process directly from production film to imaged plate, no intermediate plates or screens are required.
Effective for one or thousands of custom parts.

Sharp: Anything that can be photographed in line of halftone can be reproduced with total fidelity.

Easy: Few steps. Makes perfect parts every time.

Safe: Meets the strictest environmental standards anywhere. Safe for the user and the community.

Proven: Used by thousands of production shops worldwide and supported by 45 years of manufacturing experience. Users: US Army , Motorola, Boeing, Nasa, Aérospatiale, Philips.

Minimal investment: Economical, long-lasting equipment.


Industry & Government Specifications
· Underwriters laboratories / file # MH17767
· Canadian Standards Association / file # 11133-1, class # 7921
· Federal specification GGP-455b, Grade A or B

Military specifications
· Mil-P-15024 F
· Mil-P-514 D
· Mil-P-19834 B
· Mil-A-8625E

DIN standard testing equivalence
· DIN 50017 - resistance to corrosion
· DIN 50021 – resistance to salt spray
· DIN 50004 - resistance to Xenon attacks
· DIN 50018 - resistance to industrial environments
· DIN 53387 – resistance to radiation artificial ageing

*Conditions apply
Indus Eximtech Private Ltd.
Indus House, Plot No. 31 & 32 ,Sector 19A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Ph : 91-22-2784 4747 , Mob : +91-96194 82087 ,